When you virtualize your office environment (or data center if applicable), you can multiply your storage and computing power without investing in additional equipment or allocating more physical space in your office. You can also significantly save on your electricity and cooling costs. There are different types of virtualization of which server and storage virtualization being the most common.
• Maximize resources and Reduction of hardware cost maintenance ‐ Implementing virtualization at its simplest revolves around squeezing in as many virtual machines (VMs) as possible within physical server hosts. Fewer servers and related IT hardware will result in decreased capital and maintenance costs.
• Greater Ease of Administration ‐ – Virtualization reduces time spent on routine administrative tasks, such as adding and managing new server workloads, adding new employees or developing and launching new applications.
• Faster Server and Service provisioning, and increased flexibility – Virtualization enables you to respond to change with dynamic resource management, faster server provisioning, and improved desktop and application deployment.
• Reduced downtime ‐ Virtualization aims to reduce your hardware costs and downtime, by running multiple, independent virtual operating systems on a single physical server.
• Backup and data protection ‐ Virtualization improves business continuity by securely backing up and migrating entire virtual environments with no interruption in service.
•Reduced Power Consumption ‐ Along with a reduction in your power consumption, virtualized servers result in a reduction of your data center footprint, and on an enterprise level, your carbon footprint. That also translates to lower overall costs.
• Multiple Platform Support and Vendor ‐ You can run multiple platforms on one server. While the great majority of companies run Microsoft Windows Server, your operations may also require a UNIX server. You can virtualize the UNIX server and put it onto the same hardware as the Windows server.